
Thursday, December 30, 2004

Things that don’t agree with me:

• Fax machines (which way up am I meant to put the damn page?)

• Telephone switchboards

• The rediscovery of Wimpy

• People drunkenly singing Do They Know It’s Christmas at 12.01am on Christmas Day. The land of irony, she is far away.

• Office clothing. I ran out of suitable clothing to wear after working through my teenage going-out wardrobe. Which took approximately three days. Now I wear what I consider to be conservative dress, and am greeted with "ooh, that's funky!" Oh man, just the memory of that has just lowered my heart about 10 feet.

• 'Casual Fridays'. Now I know I'm being contrary, but if a fairly dull coloured jumper and trousers are considered "funky" on a normal day (see above), then I still have to completely temper what I wear on 'Casual Fridays' also. I don't dress that wild, people. Jeez. Get out and see the world, or at least that which lies beyond your nondescript office in a nondescript Middlesex suburb.

Things that do agree with me:

Old School Hey, I’m a sucker for a choreographed dance routine.

• Jamie Oliver’s risotto recipe. Oh, it was genius. My sister was right; it was fool-proof, and too-poor-to-own-kitchen-scales-proof.

• My new local titchy 2 metres square Blockbuster manages to stock 10 times as many titles as my old hewuuuuge Blockbuster. *Strokes chin*. And it comes complete with pesky kids (crap at hooliganism and just hang around constantly) who indulge in banter with the slightly overgrown-teenager manager. It’s like having Clerks and Acts of Gord in my back room.

America's Next Top Model. I'm finally catching up on the episodes of Series 2 that I missed. When at home over Christmas, my Dad just tutted and sighed at the sheer American ridiculous emotion of it all as I pointed out that was the genius of it. So good. And I will be camped out on my sister's sofa for Series 3.

See, at the moment, we’re doing “la, la, hold-on-to-sanity” while doing mind-numbing job. It comes to something when you rely on watching a bit of the Chopper director’s commentary every morning just to keep hold of normality. It’s a really good commentary by the way. Until now, I hadn’t realised quite how I cannot stand people who have no idea of what consists of a “good” film, by either critical or personal taste...

”I really wanna see the new Blade film”..... Me: “Shite”.

”I really wanna see Phantom of the Opera. That looks good..... Me: “No it doesn’t. Shite.”

”I just like all those cartoony films. You know the computery ones”..... Me: *face imbedded in desk with used staples for eyelashes*.

Oh, and apparently I’m on a diet and am healthy because for lunch I don’t want to eat takeaway pizza one day, a chicken burger the next, Wimpy the day after that, and then another chicken burger. In the middle of a day sitting at a desk during which the greatest activity occurs in either swinging my right arm 90 degrees to the left, yanking a paper out of the scanner, or the excitement of my twice daily walk to the kitchen to get a double strength coffee in the vain attempt to charge some life upon my face.

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