
Sunday, January 28, 2007

So I should really get back to this writing thing. I've been recently forcing myself to paint again, and it's rewarding to see that I can still bodge away quite merrily and get a reasonable result.

I've been temping for local government for the past 4 months, otherwise known as the second longest temp job that I have held. Despite being quite low-paid, I have stuck around, I think, because I'm a nosy old bitch and the job is quite varied. I used to really hate telephone work, because no one ever told you how the phone worked for transferring calls and/or you never knew enough to be able to answer people's queries. This time round, I don't flinch when the phone rings despite the fair risk that there will be an angry/irritating/unintelligibly accented person on the other end. There have only been two phone calls that I have had the slight shakes after. Fortunately, one of them I twigged early on who it was with regards to his history (truly horrible horrible evil man), and so kind of expected how he was.

I will be finishing in 3 weeks time when I go to visit my brother and his family in America, which I think gives a good full stop to it. The manager is trying to get me to come back after I go to America, but I think I need to move on, mostly to get a higher paid temp job, and also because I can't stand the manager. The love went out of the job when my fellow temp left a couple of weeks ago. I don't have anyone to pick petty arguments with any more (I tried taking the piss out of one of the new permanent guys's West Country accent but he looked vaguely hurt, so I had to put the kibosh on that), or just to generally bitch with.

Many of the clients are really nice, but most of them don't realise that we're handcuffed by the lack of resources that we can give them. Go and complain to the government, not us.

After the Firefly and Arrested Development obsessions, I added Veronica Mars to my pile. After catching a couple of episodes of the second season on Living, I was curious enough to download the pilot, and then pretty much piled through 2 seasons worth via Youtube and other means within a couple of weeks. I don't care how much the show's creator disses Nancy Drew, it is rather akin to it and I loved Nancy Drew (some of those books were darker than you'd think) and well, shallow me likes the preeetty. One friend from the DangerousInterweb™ and his girlfriend got into it around the same time as me, and ordered the season 2 DVDs from Amazon.com at the same time. His somehow arrived at least a week before mine and I had to put up with taunting text messages for days. So not fair.

I finally managed to get the pictures off of my mobile phone. Rather unsurprisingly, the urge to take photos tends to arise late at night after a few beers.... The ancient department store's windows are a scary place at night:

A petition we can all get behind:

"We're in a door....to nowherrrree":
Paddington Door

In interacting a bit more with old schoolfriends recently, I found out that one of them has just had a 4* review in The Times for his debut album. Well done, the boy. /big pimpin'

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